Environmental Policy
Bremerton Vintners is committed to managing all aspects of our operations in an environmentally responsible manner at all times. We care about the environment, and we ask our customers to do the same. To ensure environmentally responsible behaviour is accepted as an integral part of our operations.
We specifically undertake to:
- Establish an Environmental Management System in order to help systematically reduce our impacts on the environment
- Prevent pollution occurring from our activities and operations
- Conduct operations in compliance with local environmental regulations and legislation
- Communicate this policy to our employees and the wider community
- Educate our employees and contractors on their environmental responsibilities and ensure this is integrated into their work practices, training and decision making
- Continuously improve the environmental performance of our company
Since July 2007 there have been several projects undertaken to ensure that this is a “live” policy.
- The provision of increased recycling vessels means that we are recycling more than we have in the past. This has reduced our general rubbish to a minimum, cutting our landfill contribution and our waste removal bill.
- A comprehensive lighting audit has ensured we are using the most energy efficient globes and that lighting is reduced to a minimum, lowering our energy consumption.
- Changes to winery practises have lead to a reduced usage of water and we are in the initial stages of developing our Wastewater Treatment Plant. Water from this plant will be recycled onto our vineyard, providing 50% of its requirements.
- A waste water record has been initiated and we now have documentation that reflects water usage in the winery per month. This varies dramatically depending on the operations that have occurred in a given period and the building of this information will enable us to project and determine our water needs. To be totally self-sufficient and thus no longer drawing on community water is our ultimate goal.
- A carbon inventory has been created so that we are able to track our emissions through all areas of the business. This year we participated in our first local “carbon audit”.
- The propagation and nursing of over 400 native seedlings to be planted early next year will contribute to our already healthy native vegetation sites.
- We are working with local environmental management to contribute to the establishment of “native corridors” that provide home and refuge to local birds and animals.
Emphasis in Environmental Management lies in the commitment to continuous improvement. Bremerton Wines takes this commitment very seriously and we look forward to reporting back to you in the future of our progress in working towards making a positive change for our environment.